Reverse a Linked List
Find the middle of LinkedList
Merge two sorted Linked List (use method used in mergeSort)
to simplify code, we can use a dummyHead to avoid handling head==NULL cases
Remove N-th node from back of LinkedList
Add two numbers as LinkedList
Delete a given Node when a node is given.(0(1) solution)
Find intersection point of Y LinkedList
The above code even handles the case when there is no intersection
The intuition is that one p1 (longer list) pointer reaches the second list after a delay of l1-l2 steps , so when the second iteration starts , p1 and p2 have zero offset and moving ahead they collide at a single point
Detect a cycle in Linked List
Reverse a LinkedList in groups of size k.
Check if a LinkedList is palindrome or not.
Find the starting point of the Loop of LinkedList
Flattening of a LinkedList
Rotate a LinkedList
Clone a Linked List with random and next pointer