Typescript 101

If you know Javascript , this is everything you need to get started with Typescript


5 min read


Primitive types

Instance Types

Arrays and Tupes

  • Unlike an array , for a tuple the size is fixed and type is fixed

Object Types and Type Alias

Const declarations


Structural Typing



Special Types: any and unknown

  • all types can be assigned to any or unknown

  • the difference is that and can be assigned to a concrete type later and every member access is also referred to be any,so any chaining is possible

  • unknown can accept anything but you cannot use it in a unsafe manner , you cannot assign it a concrete type not can you access memner variables without explicit type checks

React and Typescript

npx create-react-app react-ts --template typescript

Type Assertions

The ideal way is still runtime checks as assertions just shut up the compiler, the mask the error

Type Casting


Type Declarations / Declaration Files (.d.ts)

npm i @types/node // as opposed to creating declaration file ourselves

Express and Typescript

  • Many packages are written in TS, so we can simply install and use them

  • The same is not true for some other packages like Express, so we need to install their types explictly

Creating an npm package

mkdir palind
cd palind
npm init -y
npm i typescript -D //typescript as a dev dependecy
npx tsc -init 
 --rootDir src --outDir lib --sourceMap --declaration --declaratinoMap
// we enable sourceMap so we could debug ts from gen. js
// we enable declaration so that compiler generates type definations which can be used by our ts consumers
//we enable declaratinoMap which allows our ts consumers to navigate from the type definations to the source code

  • we can now simply publish this by `npm publish`

  • we can consume this package by `npm i palind` and then we can import it like any other module

npx tsc , node lib/index.js

Async await


  • ts cannot be run natively on node ie node src/index.ts would not work , we have to run js after compilation (npx tsc , node lib/index.js)

  • Instead, if we use ts-node

  •     npm i ts-node 
        npx ts-node src/index.ts

Lexical this

  • there are two ways to think about 'this' keyword in js , one being the callling context other being the lexical scope

  • unlike arrow and bound functions, this is driven by calling context

  • Functions in js are first class, which means if they can be stored in a variable

  • Arrow functions capture 'this' from the surrounding context, since all property initialisers execute at the end of the constructors, this will be bound to whatever instance is present within constructor

readonly modifier

  • just like other access modifiers public,private,protected the read only modifier in ts is a compile time only feature used for compile time error checking

Union Types

Literal Types

Type Narrowing

below the instances of Sqare and Rectangle are not constructed by classes we cannot use the JS instanceof operator to differentiate between two objects

Discriminated Unions

Class Parameter Properties

Strict Compiler Option

Null vs undefined(runtime absence of value)

Intersection Types (inheritance in types)

Optional Modifier

Non-null Assertion Operator(! after the value which TS believes may be null or undefined)

  • non-null assertions are also compiled time and have no runtime impact

but we must always write code in a way that avoids these assertions


type defined structure of an object, so do the interface

Interface Declaration Merging

  • An example would be in Express, where interface merging allows us to add additional properties to the request interface via middleware (ex. jsonMiddlerware)

  • this is NOT supported by type aliases

Types(type alias) vs Interfaces

  • generally, achieve the same effect

but since interfaces need to have a body, we cannot create them by using smaller type declarations

only if you NEED interfaces, use them or else use types

never type

  • used for ensuring logical code correctness

  • only something of the type never can be assigned to type never

below TS can now infer the type to be `Number`

implements keyword

Definitive Assignment Assertion

  • typescript does understand the mutating side-effects of a function

    • one of the solutions would be to use non-null assertions , the other may to be refactor the code to make this function pure

the third solution is using ! at time of declaration itself

User-defined Type Guards

  • Earlier to differentiate types we added a common member of different literal types, thus creating a discriminated union

  • the other solution is using user-defined type guards, they are much more readable

Assertion Functions (Testing)

Function Overloading(Compile only)

Call Signatures

Abstract Classes

Index Signatures

Read -only Arrays and Tuples

Double Assertion

Const Assertion

  • strings are immutable in JS

  • converts primitives to literal types and members are readonly

  • we can even fix this with an explicit type annotation

this parameter

  • must always be the first parameter if used

Generic Constraints
