Table of contents
In this blog, we will discuss how would we model a parking lot software by an object-oriented design
Requirement Gathering
The Vehicle enters the Parking Lot via the Entrance Gate, gets a parking ticket, for a parking spot
The ticket is specific to its vehicle type i.e. wheelers, three wheelers or four wheelers and others (for more wheels)
and then eventually after spending some time, exits via the exit gate
At the exit gate payment has to be done, this can be hourly based for some parking spots and minutes based for other
We assume only one entrance and one exit (a follow-up can be multiple entrances and multiple exits -in which can for each entrance the parking spot has to be found smartly ie nearest to the entrance, nearest to the lift if its heavy vehicle it should be near to the warehouse )
We assume only one floor is there
Objects Identification- Bottom Up
Vehicle(abstract), vehicle type(enum)
Parking Spot, ID, isEmpty, Vehicle, Price, type
To manage our ParkingSpots we have a ParkingSpotManager
ParkingSpotManager uses a ParkingStratergy to assign a parking Spot
Ticket object
Entrance Gate finds parking space and updates parking space, generates a ticket
Exit Gate, cost calculation, payment, update parking spot